Faculty Relocation Service
The Faculty Relocation Service (FRS) provides assistance to prospective and recently appointed faculty members on many aspects of relocating to the Greater Toronto Area.
It assists prospective and recently appointed tenure and tenure-stream faculty, continuing teaching stream faculty, and permanent-status stream librarians outside the GTA with aspects of relocating to Toronto and the surrounding areas. The goal of the service is to ensure the smoothest possible transition to life at U of T for incoming faculty members. Consultations are confidential.
The FRS is a tri-campus service, located at 215 Huron St, 6th floor, Suite 603 while the Koffler Centre is undergoing renovations. Services are available in-person or virtually.
The Faculty Relocation Service website provides answers to questions on everything from housing assistance to childcare options, and from getting a driver’s license to equity offices at U of T.
A key component is a meeting with faculty candidates during their campus interview visits. In these confidential appointments, a candidate can ask questions on topics such as immigration, housing, moving, banking, health care, childcare, schooling, and family leave policies. The 30-minute in-person or virtual appointments include information on:
- immigration, health care and benefits
- housing, real estate, moving and banking concerns
- services for children including planning for a child, childcare, schools, camps, programs & special needs
- services for caring for family members, including older family members
- a faith community, ethnocultural community and 2SLGBTQ+ communities
If you are a Chairperson or Dean and have a new administrative staff member who is setting up the appointments with this office, they are welcome to be in touch for an overview of the service.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to faculty.support@utoronto.ca.
Natasja VanderBerg
Acting Manager, Family Care Office & Faculty Relocation Service
University of Toronto
215 Huron St. 6th Floor, Suite 603 | Toronto, ON | M5S 1A2
Tel: 416.978.0951
Family Care Office website: www.familycare.utoronto.ca