Teaching in a Diverse & Inclusive Environment

The University of Toronto is committed to excellence in teaching at all levels. The following information will allow you to explore the various ways in which the university promotes teaching in a diverse and inclusive environment. 

Equity offices and resources at the University of Toronto

Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation

The Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation (CTSI)’s mission is to build teaching excellence through leadership, collaboration and innovation. CTSI provides leadership in teaching and learning at the University of Toronto and provides support for pedagogy and pedagogy-driven instructional technology for all teaching staff and teaching assistants across the university’s campuses and divisions. 

Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC 

The Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Toronto at Scarborough continues its mission to support its instructors in their efforts to become more expert teachers, to design and assess authentic learning projects and to manage their courses and classrooms effectively. 

The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre, UTM 

The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre‘s mission is to assist faculty members as they implement best practices in teaching and learning and to support students as they enhance their academic skills. They work with UTM’s faculty and TAs to help you deliver the best possible teaching in your classes, labs and tutorials.